Sunday, May 31, 2009

An Apology To My Husband

To my dearest and ever loving husband,
do you remember when we were still dating? You would come to pick me up and inevitably I wouldn't be ready. I would pour you a drink and leave you to finish getting ready. I took great pride as well as pains, in choosing what to wear, how to do my hair, and where I should apply the perfume I had carefully chosen for the evening. I loved watching you watching me as I would walk back into the room. The way you would watch me all evening always made me feel special. I knew all my hard work while done in the name of vanity, had not been in vain.
During these past few years you've looked at me in many different ways. There have been looks of awe, anger, frustration, fascination, love, and sheer lunacy. The look I'd like to thank you for the most, however is for looking the other way. With only a few weeks left till Secondborn joins our ranks I often find it hopeless to spend the amount of time and energy I once did on making myself presentable. It's not as easy as it once was. It's certainly not as enjoyable. Let's face it, no amount of concealer is going to conceal the fact that I look as if I'm smuggling a watermelon. My issue isn't so much with what my body looks like, but what my body does. I left the land of Ladylike long ago. There's the burping that results in Firstborn asking each and every time, "You 'kay?" There's the belly and hiney scratching that occurs indiscriminately, whether it be in front of just you, or everyone in the supermarket. There's the ever present waddle that in no way resembles my once seductive sashey.
And then there's the pooting. The pooting that is fueled by my mostly produce ingested diet. The pooting that drives Firstborn to the other side of the room and causes much conversation while he and I are in public potties together. The pooting that I once would have been mortified by and try to lay blame on the dog or the newborn, is now so commonplace that I don't even notice. And by the look on your face, neither do you. You are either such a gentleman that you look the other way, or God has blessed you with some sort of pregnant hormone to block out all effects of mine.
So thank you, darling Hubby for looking the other way. I offer my sincerest apologies for all of my bodily offences for the rest of the pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
With all my love,
Your Affectionate and Flatulant Wife


Anonymous said...

Laurie it's so sweet that you wrote this for your husband. Paul, of all people is a very understanding and kind man (besides my wonderful husband Nick, of course). Most women would not take time out to address an apology to their husband especially while dealing with a pregnancy. Of course, imagine if men had children! They would be whining all the time and as for the farting they would be laughing it up and this it's funny! LOL! I love you both and I think you guys are FABULOUS!!! Most of all, I am happy that you guys have each other. Can't wait to see the new addition! Love, Tzu-Hui

Unknown said...

this is so beautiful and so great on so many levels. you should publish this everywhere for the women of wonderful husbands who are a part of this very unique time of life - you rock :)

Anonymous said...

You are a lucky lady to have such an understanding fellow, but he is also very lucky to have a special wife like you. love you, Aunt Martha