I remember a time in the not so far past that i was able to enjoy pooping in private. That was before potty training began with our son. I've never been that girlfriend who missed her man so much that it was necessary to prop the door open during "business hours" to continue chatting. Now that I'm a married woman I'm thankful my husband and I are on the same page about our potty privacy. Not only does he like the door closed but I often hear the click of the lock to ensure no accidental invasions. I'm okay with that.
However, it's a different story with Firstborn. Before I go any further I should admit that I'm partly if not all to blame for this. Since he's been able to walk he's followed me to the bathroom. Rather than shut the door in his face I viewed this as pre-potty training. That and I wanted to be able to keep a close eye on him in order to avoid mishaps. I would inform him that mommy was "going pee pee or poopy." I thought by talking about potty in simplified terms when the time came to potty train he'd be much more comfortable with the lingo.
In fact he's very comfortable with the lingo and all that goes with potty. We got him a potty a month ago and have let him play with it and become well acquainted. I never guessed it would become his confidant. For a few weeks he was dragging it from room to room. Now when I suggest we go potty he runs to the bathroom.
The downside of this is when I inform him I'm going to potty he runs to the bathroom. It's come to the point where I check to see if he's watching before I slip off "to see a man about a horse" as my dad used to say. It never fails though. I've barely warmed the seat before I hear pounding on the door demanding entrance.
I pray that his interest in joint potty trips will end once he's mastered this necessary life skill. Then I will once again be able to poop with privacy.